Tin price in Euro per Ton: + 29,143€ | Gold Price in Euro per Kilo: + 84,304€ | Silver Price in Euro per Kilo: - 946€

+32 78 150 160 WhatsApp

Opening hours only by appointment :
Monday to Friday : 9h-16h | On Saturday : Closed

How to use the Metalcash postal sending service?

To sell small (minimum 10kg) or big quantities, you can use our postal sending service. This service is entirely secured by the post or the carrier.


Progress of postal sending

PackYou send us your commodity well packed in one or several packs with, inn annex, ou sending note, by post or transport company of your choice.

After receipt of your commodity on our premises, we proceed to the analysis and the weighing.
Once the analysis completed, we give you the results by mail and the amount to pay on hold of your confirmation to establish the transfer order in your favor.

Tin: €14 / kg
Silver metal: €18 / kg


Sending price

The sending price varies depending on the weight and the town in which you are. Please contact a transport company to know their sending costs. The delivery adress is 4800 Verviers, Belgium.


Is it secured?

The sending is 100% secured. You can ask an acknowledgment of receipt (registered sending) by post and an insurance on the value if you chose a carrier to ensure the transfer of your commodity. Each day, we receive a lot of sendings via our postal sending service.


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